I want to express gratitude to the person who was critical in a harsh response to my posting this sacred symbol in a post related to Forex trading.  This graphic is one of my own modifications.  Did you notice there are two separate circles with the “S” shape inside, separating the white from black, and in the center the “seed” as it is called?

“What in the hell does that have to do with trading,” the irritated person remarked in a forum.

Well, let’s explore this a little further, in simple terms and use a metaphor to help your mind’s resistance with another example.

Correct perception of the market analytics will pay off.  More likely biased thinking will not.  In part, this is because, quite simply we have two parties seeking to profit from the other in an investment transaction.  Understanding above all, that there is a duality in play when you are trading the market – one is seeking to dominate the other into a subordinate position so as to take the profit.

The “Bid and Ask” logistics is driven by the level of net shares/orders that flow into either side, thus setting a new price that tends to project a trend, either Bullish or Bearish.  Whether one trades only assets and/or combines this with options (Call and Puts) the “duality” exists over the price move.  However, there is a dynamic phenomenon in play that becomes the Quantum Field.

Or in another way, it reflects the “nooshpere” taken from the writings of  Pierre Teilhard de Chardin from Cosmogenesis.  Along with Vladimir Vernadsky (Paris, 1926) they foresaw that  “..at the root of the primary definition of noosphere is a dual perception: that life on Earth is a unity constituting a whole system.

Okay, the reason I commented on this, is the importance of the last comment: “…a unity constituting a whole system.”

One may not see a metaphysical aspect to Wall Street, yet it is quite embedded during the trading session, because it is based on human  behavior (including the algorithmic machines that are programmed by humans).  This “behavior” is the influence from many schools of thought, traditional to Quantum psychics.   Still, the fundamentals remain: volatility and equilibrium.

So, during intraday trading we have at least two parties, taking the opposite side of the “bet”, in hopes of taking the profit.  During this stage, the market is not balanced, and can become more so if there is a sell off or an “All In” market.  Yet, given the laws of physics, the volatility eventually creates an equilibrium between the two prices – such as a Delta equilateral outcome between a Call and Put spread when Implied Volatility drives both side’s premiums up.

This is the juncture of Yin/Yang – the balance.

Yin: represents the negative, the passive feminine principle in nature.

Yang: is positive, representing the active, masculine principle in nature.

Yin/Yang: presented together divides the creative fusion of the two cosmic forces; the “S”-line.  Within each contain a “seed” of the other.

Dichotomous judgments are perceptual, they are not real.  Duality equates to “profit” when you can grasp the conceptual aspects of its empowerment in all things.

Foreign Currency trading involves a dominate and subordinate currency; with respect to derivatives we consider the Put-Call Parity that exemplifies the dynamic system that two aspects empower the equilibrium of Oneness.

My critic said, “That’s stupid,” signing off with the punctuation  of pontifically profound pointlessness.

Really?  Once we reach the balance between Yin and Yang, we have entered into market’s dharma (noosphere).  That translates into a trader being “in the zone” and using their intuitiveness as a natural means of analytical assessment, just as if they were making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

It’s about “evolving” one’s self into someone they want to be:  A wealth builder.

Dharma has multiple interpretations and symbolic representations.  For example, the ubiquitous weight scale that symbolizes “equal justice for all” (really?) or the New York City Ornamental Iron Workers logo; I can get behind that one.

Then why not the Bull and Bear?  Dharma conveys  a conceptual scope “to hold, maintain, keep”.   It is ironic that Yin and Yang merge with the dharma “that remains constant” is the equilibrium of our market exchanges striving to maintain throughout a trading session, and more over in the macro scale of global economics.   The complex influx of trader’s orders, institutional orders, market maker’s price setting (there’s another story regarding that” and High Frequency Trading.

The summation of Yin/Yang and Dharma brings us to the Tao;   that contains 10,000 things. This surpasses the Internet of Things and only though the Quantum Frontier can realization be attained.  Hmmm, is there an app for this?

In conclusion; my mapping optically with symbolic meaning of our consciousness, the way we think, the duality of negative versus positive, that translates into our individual dharma, eventually leads us to the Tao:  The Profit of 10,000 to the tenth power of prosperity.

Be humble.  And know that no one is any better anyone else. It’s just a matter of getting all the “noise” and “hype” out of the way so that you can really, really tune into what the market’s telling you – and I guarantee you, you’ll find that gem for the Universe wants you to prosper.

Understanding the human dynamics makes attaining profits with effortless effort.





Graphics designs are the sole property of Richard Kambak. The second graphic (Earth’s Noosphere) was created by using “Alive” app (Logo appears in right lower corner).  To post, attribution is required.  Any contextual use  that is posted on the Internet with the intent to be malicious or defamatory towards the author is strictly prohibited.

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